Recursos encontrados

De Camino Albergue

Rental of places with parking, located in the centre of the town of Arzúa in A Coruña, a place where the Northern and French Ways meet. It has a laundry area, dining room and office-kitchen.

Free parking

bed clothes



Open map Arzúa, Arzúa (A Coruña), España

Hostel opened in July 2015 with an elegant design that will make you feel at home. We are on the Camino de Santiago, we offer all the comforts and tranquility for a perfect rest.
We are in Arzúa, in the middle of the Camino Francés and about 300 meters from the Camino del Norte. Excellent location at the crossroads.

We have four spacious rooms with small beds for greater comfort.
Hostel with spacious common areas: rest room, dining room, internet corner? Spacious bathrooms, differentiated for men and women. Own bathroom for handicapped people. Laundry, laundry area, parking?

Hostel located in the middle of the French Way and very close to the North Way. Located in an enviable natural environment, with extensive meadows and lush forests. A step away from the historical offer of the town.

Booking conditions

If you need more information or want to make a reservation you can do it through the following questionnaire. We will try to answer you as soon as possible. Remember that you can also contact us by phone, at any of the numbers provided on this website.

You can also call us
678 758 296 or 607 264 510 or 981 500 415