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100 beds, distributed in 11 rooms, private or communal, of different capacities. We offer several common areas prepared for reading, chatting and leisure, as well as a kitchen and communal dining room.

Pets allowed

Equipped for disabled persons



Open map sarria, Lugo (Lugo), España

100 places, distributed in 11 rooms of different capacities // If you are responsible for organizing the Camino de Santiago for a GROUP, we have something very special for you // Religious groups / Parish groups / Schools, institutes, universities? / Sports and hiking groups (cycling, trekking, etc...) / Social groups // We can offer you: Special conditions / Tailor-made quotations without obligation / Additional services / Exclusive rooms for the group

Booking conditions


Open: 13:00 ? 22:30

Check-in hours: until 21:30 hours

Check-out: until 8:00 a.m.


a)- Reservation request
- The consumer or agency, who wishes to contract a stay or any other service, will have to make
a reservation request in writing via email, telephone, WhatsApp or any other available means that is approved by both
available means of approval by both parties. Subsequent to the request, the company,
undertakes to take the necessary steps to obtain the confirmation of the reservation, always according to the number
reservation, always in accordance with the number of places available and the period for which it has been requested.
- At the time of making the request for reservation of the stay and/or other possible services available, the company
services available, the company reserves the right to ask the consumer or agency for a deposit of a sum already specified in the standard offer.
sum already specified in the standard offer or communicated by written offer in case of special offers or with additional services not included in the standard offer.
special offers or with additional services not included in the standard offer/program. In this amount
will already include management fees. The amount paid for confirmation is non-refundable in case of cancellation or
refundable in case of cancellation or annulment, unless other conditions are expressly stipulated in writing by both parties.
express conditions between both parties. In the event that the consumer or agency chooses to confirm the reservation, the amount paid as a
confirm the reservation, the amount paid will be charged to the price of the service(s) contracted.
- In the event that the consumer or agency requests the preparation of a tailor-made quotation,
the company may require the payment of an amount for the preparation of such an estimate. If the
the consumer or agency accepts the offer, and the latter is able to confirm the services included in the offer, the sum
will be imputed to the price offered. In the event that the company cannot confirm the services offered, the company will
If the company is unable to confirm the services offered, the company will refund in full the amounts paid by the consumer or agency.
- In all the cases described above, if the company is unable to offer the requested service and offers the consumer or agency an alternative
and offers the consumer or agency an alternative offer of analogous or similar characteristics,
unless expressly stated otherwise, it is understood that it maintains such offer for 24 hours.
hours. In these cases, the contract will be perfected if the consumer or agency accepts the offer within that period or the one expressly
that period or that which has been expressly established.
b) - Confirmation of the reservation
- The confirmation of the reservation, that is to say, the moment in which the same is binding for both contracting parties, occurs with the
the confirmation of the reservation, that is to say, the moment at which the reservation is binding for both contracting parties, occurs with the confirmation of the reservation, by means of the payment of the amount established for it in the same offer.
the amount established for it in the same offer, the contribution of the data requested by the company, as
telephone number, identity document, credit or debit card number or any other information that may be relevant to the parties.
information that may be relevant to the parties. From that moment on, the contracted service is binding for both parties.
obligatory for both parties.