Recursos encontrados

Albergue El Carmen

Shelter with restaurant and cafeteria, rental of beds.


Smoke-free space

fantastic views

bed clothes

Open map Abadín (Lugo), España

In our hostel in Negreira you will find comfortable rooms for your rest.
There are many pilgrims who extend their way to Finisterre to live the spiritual purification.

After the visit to the tomb of the Apostle the pilgrims took the road to Finisterre and burned their clothes as a sign of purification. After burning, they threw the ashes into the sea.

Negreira is the first stop after a stage of 20 kilometers. Land of palaces and pieces of all styles, it is surrounded by wonderful and green natural enclaves and people accustomed to receive pilgrims, which has made this small town a hospitable place since the tradition of pilgrimage exists.

If you are looking for a hostel in the center of Negreira this is yours. We have all the amenities: hostel, hostel, cafe-bar and restaurant.

Booking conditions

For more information about booking and cancellation conditions please contact us.